
Free r18 otome games
Free r18 otome games

free r18 otome games

he prefers you facing his chest as he brings you closer towards him.he loves holding you close to him, anywhere, anytime. despite his busy schedule as the ceo of the pax group, marius would always manage to make time to spend with you, with a good 5O% of it being cuddling.how beautiful your eyes are, how he wants this moment to last forever, anything and everything he has always wanted to reveal. in this stage he’ll tell you everything he wanted to say to you, but didn’t have the confidence to. even if you’re asleep he couldn’t hold himself back from giving you more and more kisses, since he loves you so much. would watch you flutter your eyes shut and go into slumber.he holds you close to his chest as if it was the end of the world, and he looks at you with the most endearing gaze ( with a little blush here and there because it wouldn’t be the usually blushy lucas pearce without it ). once he does start warming up and getting comfortable, he would press little sweet kisses wherever he finds nearest - the top of your head, your forehead, your ear, etc.despite all of the years you both have been best friends, it would take a whole lot of time for luke himself to relax and calm his pounding heart. baby boy gets really flustered easily :( even the slightest move from you sends him into a blushing mess, leaving him not knowing what to do.

free r18 otome games

vyn adores how peaceful you look in your sleep, brushing strands of hair from your face and admiring your beauty.you melt in his touch as the psychiatrist hums a few notes in content, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. he cards his slender fingers through your hair softly, making small braids using a few strands.

free r18 otome games

  • he loves any position as long as he can hold you close to him, and you’re both comfortable ! he loves when you lie on his chest, feeling his heartbeat quickening every second.
  • he also says soft repeated confessions of how much he loves you, how he’d want you to be his forever as you both nod into sleep.
  • he takes in the scent of your hair, leaving multiple delicate, soft kisses on the shell of your ear.
  • he’s still very flustered though, even if it’s not your first time cuddling, so he would definitely prefer a position where you don’t see his face, such as spooning where he’s the big spoon, cradling you in his arms as if you are made of glass, as if you’re bound to break any second if he makes the wrong move.
  • you would expect him to be as stiff as a board when you both cuddle for the first time but surprisingly he isn’t !.
  • XP I still have to finish Akai Suna Ochiru Tsuki from Landkarte, so I guess I will put this game on hold for a while.Ps i made luke’s part a bit longer because i favour his simps today <3 I've finished Fubuki, Kirishima, and Taruhi's routes, but I don't really feel like doing the "Ossan's route" maybe the childhood friend's route though. I had complaints for Koezaru wa Akai as well since I thought each character didn't have much cgs, but at least there was variety! As you can see I'm upset that I spent that much money for this game. :P Seriously, I've played doujin games that were better than this. Yet, I get a game where only 1 character gets 19 cgs, the other 18, and the rest 13-14, with barely any variety to each cg! This game is not worth that much money, the smut scenes were mediocre at best, so all you girls who were anticipating for this-I know you are, will be disappointed. This game costs around $90-$100 and I was expecting it to have a lot of cgs with variety. Yeah, I'm playing Sakuragatari right now and let's just say I'm disappointed partly due to the fact that the amount of cgs for each character is low.

    Free r18 otome games